Saturday, November 07, 2020

"Say Goodbye to Facist Trump. Long Live Democracy."

Yes. I live in a Progressive, Blue Bubble. My long-time companion tells me it's actually a "Sunny-Jimmy Bubble." Maybe so. Just born that way, don't you know? So in my little bubble, science, math, facts, truth, common-sense, hope & optimism rule the roost. So I am feeling pretty damn positive that we will soon finish the vote-counting, and we can send the Toxic Clown Prez to the great dustbin of history. I mean simple math, and facts on the ground just make it inevitable!

Anyway, in my Progressive Blue Bubble neighborhood, even the park benches are articulate and politically-astute. We came across this park bench on a late afternoon bike ride yesterday. I couldn't say it any better, and it summed my thoughts/feelings/desires EXACTLY!