Sunday, November 08, 2020

Complete, Total JOY!

The words that come to mind: Joy. Ecstasy. Euphoria. Happiness. Excitement. Relief.

I admit it. I am exhausted. My girlfriend remarked to a friend: "My boyfriend is absolutely exhausted." It's true. It has been a total, crazy, roller-coaster ride of emotions. Yesterday morning when I heard that the AP had finally called the race for Biden I was relieved & sort of numb.

Later in the afternoon we took a long bike ride. My friend wanted to pick up some things at the hardware store. We rode through the main square of our town, a little Progressive Blue Bubble of a town. Folks were out in full force in the town square. Whooping, Cheering, Singing, Laughing, Dancing, High-Fiving, Chanting. Car horns Blaring. It was a total, joyous, celebration. So cathartic. So healing. So wonderful. So fun. Made us so happy to be alive in the USA.

It's funny. It had that vibe of hearing the news that the Bad Man, the Great Dictator had died. You know, people cried when Stalin died, but people also celebrated, they laughed, danced and whooped for joy. It was like that in our little Blue Bubble Town. Total, unmitigated joy!

I heard the bells were ringing in Paris. I talked to my friend in Poland. They were celebrating too. Pretty damn amazing. I do love this country. I love Democracy. I am feeling very hopeful, optimistic, joyous. I know there are lots of problems, major problems, difficult, enormous problems, but I am confident we have two new amazing people heading up our government and I am sure that they will do all they can to work towards solutions.  

Hope. Big-time Hope. Oh yeah, and Joy... complete, total Joy...