Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Covid-19 is Real... Really...

Okay, in this year of god-smacking crazy stories, I think the most "gob-smackingest," I mean, like, the most batshit crazy thing I have heard, is the story of the ICU nurse in MAGA country talking about Trumpers dying of Covid-19, folks on ventilators in the ICU, gasping for their last breaths, still maintaining and believing, against all evidence, against all odds, that the virus is a lie, a scam and a hoax.

Trumpers pissed off and furious that medical staff have diagnosed them with a disease that they don't believe exists. Instead they think it's some liberal hoax. You know, liberals are trying to fool them into caring about themselves and others.

I actually heard a man who lives in Montana tell a radio interviewer that Covid-19 is a Chinese/Marxist-Leninist plot set to destroy America.  It's all just a fear-based sham. Makes me think of Sterling Hayden's great portrayal of General Ripper in Stanely Kubrick's "Dr. Strangelove," talking about how fluoride in the water is a plot to sap Americans of their "precious, bodily fluids."


What to say? How is it possible that people can live in such denial of reality? How is it possible that people's minds can get so clouded with politics, conspiracy theories, nonsense, idiocies, and will actually, irrevocably, stubbornly stick to their delusions even in the face of sickness and death? Turns out MAGA really is a Death-Cult.

You would think some kind of self-preservation would kick in somewhere along the line. You know, simple reason, logic, common-sense? 

You wonder... 

Does the lightbulb finally go off on their last breath? Does a last creeping thought flitter across their disease-ravaged minds that maybe they are stupidly, tragically, ridiculously wrong? You know, do they get a tiny last glimmer of the idea that maybe Dr. Anthony Fauci was just trying to help them stay safe and healthy when he told folks to wear a mask, socially-distance, and wash their hands?

Covid-19 doesn't care if you live in a red state or a blue state. It's doesn't care if you are a Trumper, or if you voted for Joe and Kamala. It's doesn't care if you are careful or not. It's a nasty, super-contagious virus that has killed over 220,000 Americans... WTF...  I mean, this isn't rocket science, people...