Monday, November 16, 2020

Bound By Reality...

Rolling & Tumbling...


late stages of early stage pandemic fatigue. 

We have not "loosened up," in the face of another Covid-19 spike over here. The heartland, just like most of the rest of the country, is suffering from a nasty, raging, extremely contagious and indiscriminate virus. Trying our best to be smart and stay safe. 

So, yes, we are a bit tired of the "new normal" during this plague year, but we are committed to doing our best to stay healthy, and keep others healthy too. We really are all in this together. It's the human herd vs. the transmissible disease.  Right now the disease is ascendent.  

It's seems like the only commonsensical thing to do is to be careful, to follow the expert guidance, to cut down on social activity, and act as if everyone is a potential carrier of the virus. It's the paranoid-style writ large. It's smart, moral, ethical, and admirable too. Bound by reality. Yes. All of us are, although, many of us don't seem to know it.

Reality has a way of catching up to us. Over here we are hoping to meet reality with clear-thinking, clear-seeing, open hearts and heads. Fully-masked, still scarce socially. Hunkering down. Hoping for a vaccine soon and better days ahead.