Wednesday, November 18, 2020

The Lay of the Land...

The lay of the land...

People are still tricky.

There is a Covid-19 Storm raging in the Heartland.

The Governor and Public Health Director in Illinois are getting desperate & frazzled. Why? They are imploring folks to act responsibly, and to treat a deadly, super-contagious virus, like a deadly super-contagious virus. Trying to convince folks to act sensibly. It turns out that is not an easy job.

The Common Folk are restless, tired of staying at home, and tired of wearing masks.
Lots of anger, bad blood & hurly-burly swirling in the air.
The hospitals are overflowing with Covid-19 patients.
Lots of sadness, sickness and death on the horizon.

Thanksgiving 2020 is looming as a public health disaster of epic proportions.

Lots of sunshine and cooler temps today.
All the clouds are in our heads and in our headlines.

We are doing our best to keep the storm at bay.
We wonder what the people will do. Not willing to bet on a positive outcome.

Hoping for the best.
Hunkering down.
Hunkering in.