Thursday, October 29, 2020

What is Going to Happen?

What is going to happen?

I consult a handful of Political Data Scientists. 

They have fancy graphs, they crunch loads of numbers. The numbers seem real, they have some hardness, not subject to emotion or desire. But, then,  you can't forget that those numbers come from conversations with people. People telling Pollsters who they are voting for, and those people are unreliable, full of emotion, desire, contradictory-ness. The Political Data Scientists weight and massage the data, then their models spit out the results. They make fancy, easy to digest graphs. I look at the graphs and think I have clear idea of what's going to happen.

Of course, there's "polling error." The numbers look good, but, you know, who knows?

I also consult my friends and family. 

I hear their opinions, I hear their stories, their hopes and desires. I listen to interviews of voters on the radio. Everyone has an opinion. Everyone has a story. The stories criss and cross, they contradict each other, sometimes it seems they cancel each other out. People tell you what they are going to do. 

I remember: People are Tricky.

I also consult the Tarot Deck. 

You know. I love my Tarot cards. Those pictures seem to hold information. Important information. I shuffle the deck and draw the cards, wondering what they will reveal, what stories, what insights. This is a little game I like to play. I make up narratives. I read the signs and make decisions and guesses based on the cards I just shuffled and picked from the deck. I go with the idea that my choices are somehow significant, prophetic.

Strange I would take advice from a Tarot card. But it is true, I sometimes do. What of my latest reading?

I foresee a period of turmoil, a bit of uncertainty. It's all out of my hands. I do what I think is right. I align my heart, head and soul, and act as if I am the one I want to be. So yes, turmoil, but eventually, things will work out. My desires, and my realities will converge. Hah!  That's the kind of story I like to tell myself. You can build a life on that kind of story. 

Better days ahead... no doubt...