Friday, October 30, 2020

Let's End the Shit-Show...

Feeling a Blue Wave Landslide brewing. But at the same time, I am counseling everyone I know to make sure they VOTE, and at this point in the drama, make sure you VOTE in-person on Tuesday, November 3rd. Don't make the mistake of trusting the mail.

Yes, the Political Data Scientists, such as Nate Silver, G. Elliott Morris and Nate Cohn are all running their sophisticated models and coming up with probabilities for winners and losers throughout the land. They run those models thousands of times, and tweak the data, test different assumptions and then come up with probabilities. 

Bottom line: basically, it looks very promising for the Democrats to sweep into the White House, to take back the Senate, and to add seats in the House. Going out on a limb, I'd say: MASSIVE BLUE WAVE! 

That would be so exciting and healing for the nation. It would be a fantastic validation for our little Democratic experiment. A new day. A better day. A way to reclaim the American Dream.  I do think it will happen. I don't think by saying that, that I am jinxing it.

Of course, the Universe only runs the model one time. It's a weird thing. We live in a probabilistic Universe, maybe this, maybe that, could be this, could be that, but when all is said and done, what happens is what actually happens.

Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda are all just spit-balling after the fact.  So anyway. What to do? VOTE. VOTE BLUE. VOTE BIDEN/HARRIS. I mean, come on, won't it be fun to be on the winning team? The Toxic Clown Prez is flailing, failing, spinning in his own whirlpool of vomit. Finally the definitive judgement is about to come down on his head: A LOSER! Ha! That is his greatest fear. The truth will finally rule. Yes, Toxic Clown Prez = Total Loser! Let's end this shit-show. Lot's of work to do to fix, remake, rebuild, and dream new dreams.