Saturday, October 31, 2020

A Little Escapade

I awake in a new place. A short stay with 3 little four-legged beasts; hairy, friendly, needy. They follow my every move. It is strange, to fall into a completely new reality. I bring all of my same old habits and foibles. “No matter where you are, there you are.” No escaping, even on this little escapade. 

I brought my books, my music, and my coffee-maker. The brew is powerful, robust, life- giving. Some addictions really pay. Listening to the radio this a.m. The words just fly by. Same stories, same worries, same hopes.

The sun is shining. The leaves are turning. Beautiful colors, fallen leaves litter the ground. Dazzling. No expectations, no appointments, just time, lots of time with the little beasts. Breathing, thinking, hanging out. Life.