Wednesday, October 28, 2020

The Most Consequential Election in our Lifetimes...

“Preacher man, don’t tell me, Heaven is under the earth, I know you don’t know, What life is really worth, It’s not all that glitters is gold, Alf the story has never been told, So now you see the light, eh Stand up for your rights, come on”Bob Marley

“The Future is Unwritten.”Joe Strummer

Tuesday, Nov. 3rd the most consequential election day in our lifetimes

No doubt. I mean, I know I am prone to exaggerate. Once I get on a roll, I can easily get carried away. But this election seems to be a deep existential crisis point for our Democracy. The Toxic Clown Prez has destroyed so much in his wake. He is a toxic wrecking ball. He really has turned the American Dream into an American Nightmare.

I mean, it is amazing that one loud, white, fat guy could wreak so much havoc. But President of the USA is a pretty powerful and important job. Having a reality TV show blowhard; lazy, ignorant, racist, will-fully divisive and inept was just was not a very savvy move.

We are all, worldwide, feeling the consequences of 4 years of totally willful corruption & ignorance. Time for a change.

We are doing our best to conjure up, in our little Progressive, Blue Bubble, a New Day, and Reclaim a New American Dream. “Stand up for Your Rights.” VOTE. Remember Election Day is next Tuesday, Nov. 3rd. Dare we say it? Let’s elect Joe & Kamala. The alternative is too gruesome and retrograde to even contemplate.