Friday, October 16, 2020

Time is Precious...

Tom Petty sang about it so eloquently: "The Waiting is the Hardest Part."

Yes. Indeed. No doubt.

We know the clock is ticking. Only so much time. Contrary to the The Rolling Stones song, time really isn't "on our side." There's the biological clock ticking away. There's the vastness of time in the Universe. 

That fuzzy-haired genius, Albert Einstein told us "time is relative."  Time is fungible. It morphs. Maybe like some of those swamis & mystics say time is an illusion.

But, really, our human experience tells us there is a constant, "tick, tick, tick..." That's your life ticking away. And you are waiting. Waiting for the coffee to brew, waiting for the computer to boot up, waiting for the good guys to win, waiting for something exciting to happen, waiting for the check, waiting for a phone call, waiting for enlightenment, waiting for good news, waiting on a friend, waiting for the next shoe to drop. Waiting.

It's the hardest part because, really, we know it deep in our being, time is precious...