Saturday, October 17, 2020

Not Abstract...

Heard this on the radio this A.M. - "Life and Death are not abstract concepts."

Right. I recently found out that a dear friend, an amazing visual artist that I have known for many, many years had passed away. Not sure the details. The news was so sad and shocking. I take it as a reminder that this happens all the time. It can happen to any of us, any time. It's just the reality of Life. One day here, the next day gone.

So, it's best to live every day to the fullest. What does that mean? Try to be Present. Fully-engaged in whatever you are doing. That's the best advice I can impart to myself. 

I also heard that someone we know has tested positive for Covid-19. A close to home reminder that this Pandemic is still raging. We all may have gotten complacent, tired of the new reality, but, you know the Virus just doesn't give a damn. The Virus is nasty, relentless, never sleeps.

Being a bit paranoid about the Virus is probably a good survival strategy. Around here we are still being quite militant about the Virus: washing hands, staying physically-distant, staying home,  avoiding being in enclosed spaces with other folks, wearing a mask at all times.

I do think the best "go-to" mind-set: figure everyone you know has Covid-19. Act accordingly. Weird times for sure. Taking one day at a time. Laying low, trying to hang in until the vaccine. 

Be Present. Be Safe. Oh yeah, be sure to Vote. It's time for a better day. Biden/Harris 2020.