Thursday, October 15, 2020

A New Day, A New Era is On the Way... Sleeping Better...

I don't have any inside information. I don't have a crystal ball. I don't really know anything.  I mean, that's a good go-to attitude to tackle anything. "Beginner's Mind." It's certainly a great way to approach any kind of creative work, and well, I think it's helpful as a survival strategy in the grand journey of life too.

I have been sleeping better lately. Maybe it's because the weather is cooler. Days are shorter. Less sunlight early and late. The bed is comfy. The pillows are fluffy. I'm over my vertigo (see previous post), I listen to the radio a bit less, listen to music a bit more, reading a book about the great Sir Paul McCartney which is satisfying and inspiring,  but I also suspect that THE WORM HAS TURNED!

What do I mean? Well my friends don't want to verbalize it, we have been in shock for 4 years, I think we all suffer from PTSD. Living under the Daily Outrage, pummeled by the Daily Hate emanating from the W.H. but I do think we are in the End Days of our Toxic Clown Prez. He is totally imploding. He is like the Towering Inferno. His campaign in like the late stages of the Hindenburg, a gaseous flame-ball, or the Titanic after hitting the iceberg, sinking into the cold, dark abyss.

Finally, finally the ShitShow is coming to a close. I really, truly, madly, deeply believe that on November 3rd we will see a landslide Blue Wave of epic proportions. Sorry. Don't mean to jinx it. I understand if you are skeptical, worried, full of doubt. But I do believe. And I don't think it's a bad idea to float that bubble. I think it's a good idea to float that vision. Come on people, don't need no ticket. Just Vote.

Sleeping better. I do believe that's a hint. Yes. A new day, a new era is on the way. It's coming. Mark my words.