Thursday, October 22, 2020

People are Tricky...

It was a dark and stormy night here in the Heartland. Tossed and turned. Up early. It's still dead-dark, with a cold, hard rain banging off the windows. I am listening to Cream's "Wheels of Fire," a double-CD, on the stereo, it's an album from another place and time (1968). It does sound great. A 3-piece band of major substance abusers. Oh yeah, pretty much totally fabulous musicians too. But it wasn't long before they couldn't stand to be in the same room together. Drugs & Egos. Vibe-Killers, for sure. Funny.

Still the album is excellent. Eric Clapton on guitar, Jack Bruce bass and vocals, Ginger Baker on drums. A super-group. You wonder why they couldn't just play their music and leave the other shit alone? People are tricky. 

That is the never-ending story. Folks working against their own best interests. Choosing risky behaviors, making poor decisions, making complete wrecks of their lives. Makes you happy to still have your feet on the ground, all your fingers and toes.

I feel lucky to be here. I have had my own series of goofs and fuckups in my history. Nothing too serious. But a few close calls and supremely stupid decisions. Who knew?! Often you are making decisions with little or no insight. I mean, really, come on, life ain't easy.

Best to choose your vices wisely, Pilgrim. Lean to the light. Be humble, gentle and kind. "A fundamentally  decent human being," (someone describing Joe Biden). Now that's something to aspire to.