Friday, October 23, 2020

Message on a Wall...


It was a strange "pandemic day" around here yesterday. Lots of errands, appointments, lots of to-ing & fro-ing in the neighborhood. I mean, there were lots of little chores to do. Trying to just get along. I avoided interacting with folks. Masked up, sanitized, gloved, focused on the tasks at hand. It was the same for my close companion. We were out of time and in the moment. Both of us.

Kicking down the street, under a viaduct and written on the dirty wall under the train track those words at the top of the post were stenciled in bold type. Three times is the charm. I took the words, the sentiment, to heart. Yes. NEVER GIVE UP. Until of course, you finally do.

In the meantime, we must carry on and do the best we can. Weird times. Weird days. Trying to keep our eyes on the ball, do everything we need to do, when we need to do it. I do think it helps not to think too far ahead, or too far behind. Look to the light.

The virus is surging everywhere. Scary. We are still covid-militant around here. It seems to be the smart way forward. Tuning out the noise, ignoring the nay-sayers. Listening to the science.  Keeping our feet on the ground, and doing our best to keep our heads clear. Clear-seeing...