Saturday, October 24, 2020

Funny & Tricky...

You think it's going to "all work out." But, of course, you're not sure. You've been sometimes wrong and sometimes right in your prognostications, and it's hard to tell how things are going to break this time. Even really, really smart people seem to be confused and unsure, which is a bit unsettling.

The Universe is a funny place. It's rolling out, expanding as I type these words. It unfolds. It's hard to discern what that unfolding entails and how it all comes together, or falls apart, or whatever it's doing.

And people, human beings, are tricky. Extremely tricky. Unpredictable. Contradictory. Although often-times people act in oh so predictable ways; irrational, acting as if they are completely rational in a totally irrational manner. It's a tricky, complicated game that humans play with themselves and others.

So yeah, we live in this Universe and it seems like it only runs one way. And people must find themselves in it somehow. And the Universe may be existing in some kind of infinity of time and space, but us human beings exist in a very limited time and space continuum. At least, that's how it seems to this human.

It's amazing anything can get done. Not surprising there is so much confusion, bad blood, division, pain and turmoil. Then again, sometimes things do work out. And there is love, joy, good cheer, a certain kind of happiness.

It's all a bit funny and tricky...