Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Everything Counts...

Maybe my own most important insight, (according to me), this time around...

Everything counts. Every moment, every breath, every step, every note, oh, yeah, and every VOTE too. 

My companion and I ventured across town to early-vote yesterday. Early-voting started in our district on Monday. We thought it best to bike over on Tuesday, mid-day, hopefully to miss a long wait in line. We masked up with double-masks, we gloved ourselves, and sanitized too. There was a line, we ended up waiting for about 20 mins to get to the voting booth, hell, it was well worth the time and effort.

We have been waiting, waiting, waiting to cast our vote for years. I mean this has been a long, 4 year struggle, dealing with the daily horror and hate of the Toxic Clown Prez. We both joyously cast our votes for Joe and Kamala. It was quite exciting and fun. Yes, indeed.

Dreaming of better days for this fragile Democracy. So happy to VOTE for Biden/Harris. Let’s reclaim the American Dream. There is something so r&r about Voting. It’s a small thing, but, really, just like every little thing we do, it has major consequences. Every breath, every step, every note & every vote counts.

You know it's "mystical" idea: every drop in the ocean is infinite. As above, so below. You may think you are a tiny thing in a grand Universe, and it is true. But, you know, EVERYTHING COUNTS!

Our little American experiment in Democracy only works if we all participate: pay attention, stick to the facts, engage fully; heart, head & soul. We voted. It was a celebration and a relief. I am not afraid to voice it: Blue Wave 2020 Coming. I do believe. It is important, and essential.

Better days ahead...