Tuesday, October 20, 2020


Reflections in a Golden Vibe...

Still in a reflective mood (see previous post)...

Where am I at? What have I learned on this Long & Winding Road?

Do the hard things first.
Never leave a sink full of dishes, 
always wash up after a meal.

Take the garbage out in a timely fashion.

Chores can be fun...

You can learn to Love to mop, wash & scrub, I mean, really.
Set your mind to any task and make it happen.

Don't procrastinate. Just do it. 

Always be moving.
Best to walk or bike.
Be nimble, be quick.
Yes, jump over a candle-stick.

Music, laughter, Love, creativity, flow activities.
Always, always, always be onto the next thing.

Find out what you Love to do, and spend lots of time doing it.

Don't think too far ahead, and rarely should you think too far behind.
Best to live in the moment. 

Take time to be silent. Listen. Watch.
Yes, smell the roses, watch the sun set, take in the crashing waves, 
and the trees swaying in the wind. 

Try to be gentle, humble & kind.
Embrace discipline. 

When looking at others think: "There but for the grace of God, go I..."

Grace, yes, grace...

Avoid drugs & alcohol at all costs. 
I learned the "hard way."

My thing is "Clear Consciousness." 
A certain clarity at all times.

Remember Lombardi: "When the going gets tough,
the tough get going."

Avoid the Medical Establishment.
Maybe try home-remedies? 
For instance: GingKo Biloba, Arnica, Cayenne Pepper, Garlic  

I do believe those special spices have made me healthier.
Who knows?!
Placebo effect?!

Eating clean, organic vegetables is smart strategy.
Avoid fast food, and meat.

Don't forget to laugh.
Don't take your self too seriously.
Make friends with animals.
Remember: Life is for the living.
Your life is not a job.
It truly is a gift.
Enjoy it while you can...