Friday, October 02, 2020

Oh Yeah, Reality Bites...

NY Times Headline: "Trump Tests Positive for the Coronavirus."

Reality does have a habit of catching up to you. Or, you know, "reality bites."

It is an interesting turn of events. 

Who would have guessed that the man in the USA most responsible for spreading disinformation about Covid-19, the man who told us the virus was a hoax, fake news, a democrat-led conspiracy, a man who told us the virus would just "go away," that a "miracle" would make it disappear, the man who made fun of others who took precautions, made fun of those wearing masks and social-distancing, the man who undermined the science and the doctors every step of the way, the man who when confronted with the death toll, of 200,000 Covid-19 deaths, and counting in the USA, said, "It is, what it is," yes, that man has now been tested and diagnosed as having Covid-19. Yes, you know, that guy, holding big rallies, no masks in sight, making fun of science and those being smart and careful, yes, that "Super-Spreader" is now Covid-19 positive.

I mean, well, whoever is writing this script is totally on fire. An election looms. The pandemic is alive in the land. The President is now in self-quarantine. Oh yeah, like, wow, man, reality bites.