Saturday, October 03, 2020

Literally a Toxic-Bomb of Sickness...

“They were careless people…they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made.” ~ The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald

We  all watched it unfold in real time. Powerful Man blundering around defying Science, Reason, Common Sense & Intelligence. Those things just aren't in the kit-bag of this Powerful Man. He is known for lying, blustering, conning his way thru his life. Spinning his own twisted narrative. He is a fountain of  Hatred, Division: Anti-Elite, Anti-Immigrant, Anti-Black, Anti-Woman, Anti-Empathy, Compassion & Love. And he has an enthusiastic cult following. The Red-Hatted MAGA hordes. They also resist Science, Reason, Common Sense and Smarts. They are the "Anti-Crowd." 

So yes, Powerful Man and his Cult of Hate. We watched them over nearly 4 years now. We all wondered where this was going. It always did seem like a Nihilistic, Anti-Intellectual, Anti-Human, Death-Cult. 

Then Covid-19 appeared. And we watched the Powerful Man and His Cult defy, dismiss, deflect. They mocked the Science and the Scientists, the Doctors, anyone wearing a mask in public. 

"You can fool some of the people some of the time..."

Yes. Indeed. But you know what? You can't fool the Virus. You can't fool biology. You can't fool sickness. You can't fool death. The virus doesn't care if you are Red or Blue. Dumb or Smart. It is vicious, super-contagious, relentless, deadly. Sort of like that shark in "Jaws."

Turns out our President is a Toxic Bomb of sickness. That used to be a sort of metaphorical idea. Now it is literally true. Our President has Covid-19 circulating in his body, he has been blundering about infecting people all over the land, he is a Super-Spreader. The White House is now a hotspot of infection.

So strange, so surreal. So unnecessary. Maybe we can all do a bit of rethink now? How about a bit more Science, Reason, Common Sense, Intelligence, Grace, Humility, Compassion, Empathy? 

It time to change direction in the country. Turn from the Hate, the Sickness, the Unmitigaged Stupidity. Let's reclaim the American Dream: Vote Biden/Harris, Vote Blue.