Sunday, October 04, 2020

Move Away from the Darkness, the Sickness, the Crazy...

My fellow Human Beings are nuts. I'm nuts too. Let's get that out of the way. 

With that in mind, best to tread lightly and carefully, ready to alter course in a blink of an eye. Humility. Yes, being Humble is a good idea.

Maybe knowing you are nuts, and trying your best to track with reality is the best that we can do. Knowing that you are small-minded, and biased, knowing that you are essentially blind, bound by your senses five, maybe just taking that in, understanding that, is possibly, maybe, who knows, the first step to being able to see?! 

Is being able to see a pipe-dream, a chimera? Who knows? Let's assume, just for the sake of argument that sometimes we can see clearly. How to get there?

I'd suggest lots of silence, contemplation, meditation and soul-searching. I mean, probably, even if you don't believe in a soul, it's worthwhile to do some deep soul-searching. Being a Human means living with Questions. Lots and lots of questions. And very few answers. It's not easy. Swimming in a Universe of Questions.

And usually the Answers are partial, arbitrary, wrong, misguided, off the mark, tentative, and of the moment, up for analysis, subject to revision, correction and well, going back to the drawing board often and repeatedly. It's OK to be wrong, as long as you know it's possible and happens frequently. It's OK to change your mind, to admit you don't know, to have a rethink. 

I think it's the smart way forward, knowing you aren't that smart, trying to feel your way in the dark.

Anyway, thinking about the latest bombshell news, President gets Covid-19, some of my crazy friends think this is some great plan, another Evil-Genius plot to keep power and destroy USA. Like I said, crazy.

I see a Human Being, a Man, a deeply-flawed Man, A Racist, a Bully, a No-Nothing Loudmouth, blundering about the country, spreading his Lies, his Madness, his Sickness. Yes, I see an obese, old man sick with the virus. A Bully, weak and vulnerable. Will he emerge from the hospital on two feet, sentient, coherent? Who knows? 

He's just a Man. A very sick man.  We need to move on... Vote Biden/Harris, let's all try to make a move forward away from the darkness, the sickness and the crazy to a more humble, clear-seeing.  I mean, come on, am I totally nuts?!

We don't have to over-think the moment, this is simple: President Trump has been wrong about the virus every step of the way. He needlessly & stupidly infected himself and others around him. He is a Super-Spreader! The GOP's New Brand - Covid-19 Positive!

Let's ditch these Creeps on Nov. 3rd... Blue Wave...