Monday, October 05, 2020

Shocking, But Maybe Not Surprising...

A Close Friend - "It's so disturbing, the people supposed to be 'in charge,' are acting crazier, more reckless and stupider than us."

Yes. Indeed. Super-disturbing, and kind of funny too. I mean, our Toxic Clown Prez really is toxic, he is sick, in the hospital, and turns out that he knowingly exposed other folks to a deadly virus. 

I mean, shocking, but maybe not surprising. 

You wonder will the MAGA crowd now tell us that the virus is cool? You know, no big deal. "Come on, jump in the pool, the water is warm!"

So, yes, this all seems like a bad dream, or the improbable, badly-scripted, "jump the shark" season 5 of "True Blood," but no, this is our REALITY!

We struggle for equilibrium, balance, a simple, clear-seeing. Try to keep our feet on the ground, take one  step at a time. Steady. Eyes on the path forward. Yes, we still believe in common sense, honesty, clear-headedness, being smart and safe.

No, you don't want to get the virus. Yes, it is deadly and contagious. Anyone telling you different is seriously fucked.  You don't want to be fucked. Not in this way...

The a.m soundtrack - Fleetwood Mac's "Tusk"  (1979). Some call it "Lindsey's folly," but it is a fabulous record. Sounds fresh and amazing this morning. No hard edges. Great songs. Beautifully recorded & performed. Three great voices, a superb band of musicians. Simpler times? Yes, maybe. Although, the trajectory maybe was always heading to our present disasters. I mean you can imagine alternate scenarios, but it seems the Universe only runs the model one way. Could things be different today? Who knows?!