Thursday, October 01, 2020

Not Political Science, Pathology...


This morning let's play "Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions" (hat tip: Mad Magazine late 1960's)...

I mean, I know this is like "shooting fish in a barrel," critiquing our Toxic Clown President's disgusting display at the 1st 2020 Presidential Debate, but, hell, it seems worth pointing out...

Stupid Question: Why doesn't our Toxic Clown Prez denounce "White Supremacists" and "White Supremacist Violence?"

Snappy Answer: Well, of course, because he is a cowardly bully and a cowering, blubbering White Supremacist himself.

Which is like, totally pernicious, toxic, irrational, soul-killing & ridiculous. 

That ignorant, loud, fat-headed racist is demonstrably not superior to anyone on the planet, instead he is undoubtably the lowest of the low, the dimmest of the dim, a toxic-waste-dump of a human being.

This is not politics. We don't need to check in with a Political Scientist to figure out what's going on. We need to check in with a Psychiatrist...

Our Toxic Clown Prez is a "sociopathic narcissist." I mean, shite, that's probably demeaning to the pathology. Notice how the current occupant of the White House cannot account for his own actions? He takes no responsibility? He can't stand on his record, and defend his actions? Instead he shouts and rants and interrupts.

What a pathetic display. Now, what to make of the folks who actually support the man? Hmmm...

Let's leave that for another day. Obviously, there is something deeply wrong in the psyche of all those MAGA-hatted folks for sure. Loud, Fat, Ignorant Racist, White Guy, hmmm... I mean, what kind of people would hold up that man as a Champion?

The question points to the the snappy answer...