Wednesday, September 30, 2020

We Deserve a Better Deal...

Joe Biden: "Donald Trump is the worst president we have ever had."

Amen, Joe...

So glad I missed that disheartening car-crash of a dumpster-fire last night. I grieve for those who watched that Presidential Debate, I knew it was gonna be a total waste of brain cells. Why bother? I'd rather stick pins in my eyes, or bamboo shoots under my fingernails, or you know, try a little waterboarding just for kicks?!


Instead, I read a book about the band Portishead, a band from Bristol, England, and I DJ'd an all-Bristol CD mix on the stereo: Portishead (1,2 &3), Tricky and Massive Attack. It really was superb.

Anyway, checking out the news this a.m. Just as I expected (see previous post), a total shit-show.

My thoughts and prayers go out to Joe Biden. Sorry, Joe. Don't worry your time is near. The Toxic Clown's days are numbered. 

Word is Joe did just fine, holding his own under the onslaught from the loud, fat, ignorant Toxic Clown. That man is flailing, desperate. Sounds like at least he did accomplish one thing: he consolidated the loud, disgusting, ignorant, racist, no-nothing segment of the voting public. 

Luckily for us, even though they are loud, racist, violent and smug in their total lack of intelligence, they are out-numbered. The rest of us need to seize the day. Vote. Let's reclaim America. Let's imagine a better day and a new dream.

Biden/Harris 2020. We deserve a Better Deal...