whitewolfsonicprincess' new single Revelation Blues

Friday, June 12, 2020

Not in Control...

Out of control. Or maybe better, not in control.

That is a lesson. Hah! 

Like we need another damn lesson. Life teaches us that rarely are we ever truly in control. We can be present. We can be aware, alive, awake to the moment. But the moments that make up our lives are not within our grasp, or control. We experience moments. They rush over us, and past us. They are part of our lived experience. We can see them, count them. But we can't hold them or bend them to our will. They appear and vanish.

There are forces in the Universe greater than us. What happens, and what doesn't happen is not really up to us. We can "try to make something happen," we can will, we can wish, we can hope, we can prepare, we can study and practice and set goals, devise plans, but really what happens is always contingent on a Universe of movements, actions, energies all swirling around like a mad cloud.

There is astronomy, geology, biology... there is the human realm. What will our fellow humans do today? What are their motives? Are they rational? Insane? Badly deluded and mis-conceived? 

Probably all of the above.

The a.m soundtrack - Fleetwood Mac's "Tusk"  (1979). A double album. Lindsey's folly. It cost over $1 million to make this one. It was considered a commercial failure, only sold 4 million copies at the time. Funny. It's a pretty good record. One track features a full marching band. It's all over the map. A sonic bubble-bath. No hard edges. So, so easy on the ears. Lindsey wanted to make a "post-punk" record, but to me it just sounds like middle of the road, radio-friendly pop/rock. Three voices. Solid band. Well-played. Pretty much sonic white-bread. Easy listening, for sure.

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