whitewolfsonicprincess' new single Revelation Blues

Thursday, June 18, 2020

"How did we ever muddle thru?"

We pretend to be rational beings. "Rationality" is a mask that we put on once in awhile. I first got that idea, many years ago, from a great book called "Impro" by Keith Johnstone.

Keith also pointed out that "adults" are basically damaged children. That explains a lot too. 

I heard a Doctor yesterday speaking on the radio, an expert in infectious diseases talking about the pandemic and the USA's response to it. It was head-opening. A bit disheartening too. Bottom line: USA has fucked up big time. 

Seems USA is a roiling vector of infection and a mess of madness & contradiction. Maybe a 1/3 of the country is completely batshit crazy. They think the pandemic is a hoax, they think it's some kind of liberal plot to take down their dear leader. They think Bill Gates wants to implant micro-chips in everyone.


I suppose this is nothing new. The human herd has always been a mixed-up bag of craziness, bad-blood and supreme confusion. You wonder, "How did we ever muddle thru?" A glance back at history, it's a pretty sordid, bloody, crazy-ass narrative.

Who is in charge? What's a Pilgrim to do?

Yikes. You hope the not crazy ones outnumber the crazy ones. But you can't be sure. I am left with: Lean to the light Pilgrim. Try to keep your head. Try to see clearly. Take care. Be safe. There are voices out there, there are signs of intelligence on this planet, really, I promise, you just have to pay attention, seek and ye shall find.

The a.m. soundtrack - Tinariwen's "Emmaar" (2014). There is something reassuring about this record. Primarily songs in another language, words I just don't understand. A sound. Foreign, exotic. Beautiful guitars, flowing music from a land far away. Puts me in mind of vast desert landscapes. Blazing sunshine. Cool, healing, electric guitars. Medicine for the head and soul.

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