Saturday, March 07, 2020

Mystery Engulfs Us All.

I am no Theologian.  I don't know God. I don't have any deep insights into the Mind of God. I don't have a Personal Savior. I don't know the Secrets of the Universe. I am just grasping at Meaning and Purpose to Life, it's like trying to hang onto the wind.

I do think the Universe is a Grand Dance between the Light & the Dark. Some might call it the battle between Good & Evil. I do believe in the Dichotomy. If you were to imagine a God, you sure as hell should imagine a Devil.

It's the only way to explain, pain, suffering, death, horrible doings.

I have a had a few epiphanies and glimpses of Light, and these little glimpses, make me think we are connected to everything in the Universe. I do have a strong feeling that there is more to Life than we can know.

Mystery engulfs us all.

The Universe is not a Puzzle to figure out. Life is not something to Solve. We live, and we die. What we do in between is up to us. At the same time, we all must bear the slings and arrows of outrageous misfortune. We don't get to choose the circumstances into which we are born, which Era, which Country, which Family.

We all have to try to survive in the Human Tribe. It's not easy. Turns out our fellow human beings love to bully, oppress, confuse, rape, pillage and murder human beings. It can all get quite ugly.

Plus, of course, we are murdering our life-supporting ecosystem. Our wicked ways are destroying the fabric of life on the planet. Basically for $. Freaky. Stupid. Part of our grand narrative.

I do think we can transcend the darkness, the stupidity, the greed & brutality. But it's an iffy proposition. And really, it's just a glimmer of Hope and Light that I cling to. It's a bit of a life-raft.

The a.m. soundtrack - Richard & Linda Thompson's "I Want to See the Bright Lights Tonight." (1974). Richard still had hair when this one was recorded. Richard and Linda were still in the "happy couple phase" of their relationship. This is definitely a masterpiece of Dark and Light. Two voices: Male & Female. Both forces of nature. Richard's guitar playing is striking, original, extraordinary. He can make his guitar sound like bagpipes, his electric guitar is a spiky, slithery, sparkling fount of mercury energy. There is major creative alchemy on this record. So many great songs. Some of the greatest songs ever recorded include, "Calvary Cross," "The Great Valerio." Dark. Hard. Spiritual. Beautiful.  The Battle of Good and Evil, Dark and Light spill across the tracks.