Sunday, March 08, 2020

What are those Silly Humans Thinking/Eating?!

'Meat is Murder."

Yes. It's the title of a famous Smith's record. Kind of a vegetarian's clarion call.

Supposedly the latest looming, global pandemic, Covid-19 started in a "wet market" in China. 

"The origin of the 2019–20 coronavirus outbreak was linked to the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market in Wuhan, China.[5] Following the outbreak, proposals were made to ban the operation of wet markets selling wild animals (some of them endangered species) for human consumption. The Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market was permanently closed on January 1, 2020. The Chinese government subsequently permanently banned the sale of wild animals at wet markets."

Yeah. The market is banned now. A bit  too late. The virus is alive in the human population around the world.

Maybe our callous treatment of animals, domesticated and wild, is coming back to haunt us? Makes one think of other previous, deadly outbreaks: Ebola virus (humans eating diseased monkeys?) and Mad Cow Disease, (humans eating cows who were fed the diseased brains of other cows?). It all sounds insane. What are those silly humans thinking?!

We are what we eat. Maybe think first before swallowing?

The a.m. soundtrack - The Smith's "Meat is Murder."  (1985). A breath of fresh air. Fierce intelligence. Fierce grace.  Shimmering guitars. A great r&r band. Johnny Marr is a master guitar player, arranger, composer. Morrissey one of a kind singer & lyricist. A bit precious. So personal. Uncommon. The record is "strident and political." Of course, that's what you want. Artists/Musicians who have something to say. Morrissey always has something to say, and Marr backs it all up to the hilt with an army of shiny, shimmering guitars.  Haunting. Beautiful. A blast from another time and place. To my ears this music never grows old. It's like the grooves are preserved in amber. Ready to be excavated at any time. The band, the sound comes fully alive any time you put the record on the box.