Friday, March 06, 2020

Black Swan Friday!

Maybe we will call this "Black Swan" Friday... ?

"Nassim Taleb describes a black swan as an event that 1) is beyond normal expectations that is so rare that even the possibility that it might occur is unknown, 2) has a catastrophic impact when it does occur, and 3) is explained in hindsight as if it were actually predictable."

Who knows?
What, me worry?
Sure, yeah, why not, I mean, of course, didn't we all know?

There are the unseen things, the invisible strings that connect us. All the systems we have built have joined us across continents. There is an upside, but of course, there is a downside too.

If we build it, they will come, I mean, at least sometimes they will come, sometimes they don't, but of course, what we build will also, finally, inevitably come crashing down.  

Sounds like in the global financial sector we are in the crashing down phase.  Who knew that an infectious disease, jumping from animals to humans could wreak such fear, panic, and havoc. Blame it on the Huanan Seafood Market. Maybe it's not a good idea to slaughter animals in unsanitary conditions, and then serve up those remains to humans? 

Who knew?

Anyway, be sure to wash your hands!

The a.m. soundtrack - Brian Eno's "Another Green World."  (1975). You want to live in Eno's Green World. Yes. You do. It's a more innovative, head-opening, musical, & surprising place. "I'll come running to tie your shoes." Eno's world is funnier, stranger, more lush and vivid. Unexpected things happen. Everything is expected. Remember: "mistakes/accidents are just hidden intentions!" Eno is the "Secret Agent of Change" in music. Founding member of Roxy Music, a huge influencer, and collaborator with some important music-makers including U2, David Byrne/Talking Heads, David Bowie, Robert Fripp. Eno. Unique. Uncommon. A bit of a Black Swan. Who could have predicted?!