Thursday, March 05, 2020

The Democratic Primary - Where Are We At?

Where are we in the Democratic Primary? One of these folks will be the new President come November 2020. The Toxic Clown President will be "retired," and sent off to deal with his legal issues in N.Y.

That's my vision.

Super-Tuesday came and went, finally, a more diverse public, a rainbow coalition of voters, came to the party.

- Looks like "Sleepy Joe" Biden is now the front-runner. Maybe an experienced, decent, competent, long-time Democrat who served as VP for Obama is attractive to lots of folks and demographic categories? Joe had very little $, almost no organization, but he did get some key endorsements (Amy K. Mayor Pete, Beto and the heavy-weight champ in S.C. James Clyburn), which carried lots of weight with voters. There is still time for Joe to blow it. He is a life-long stutterer, and he is known for verbal gaffes, but still, everything seems to be falling into place for Joe to secure the nomination.

- Bernie's "revolution" seems to be fizzling a bit. Lots of donors, a great organization, lots of enthusiasm from the young, lots of great ideas. But some times you build it and "they don't come." Hard to ignore the reality that Bernie was unable to garner big vote totals in 9 out of 14 states. Maybe the revolution won't be televised? It ain't over yet, but not sure how Bernie pivots, or adjusts to appeal to more Democrats. I think it's always been a very "heavy lift." How do you run an insurgent, hostile take-over of the Democratic party, when you need lots of Democrats to embrace you?

- Elizabeth Warren lags behind the two old white geezers. It seems unfair. She works harder, has more energy, more detailed plans, typical, the woman does more work than the men, does the work, cleans up afterwards, and gets less credit. WTF. What to say? Ain't it a shame?

- Bloomberg, rich oligarch spent $500 million and got a handful of delegates. Money can't buy you love. Did they make him King of American Samoa yet?

The a.m. soundtrack - The Waterboys' "Fisherman's Blues."  (1988). "I wish I was a fisherman..." The opening track starts with a great riff from Steve Wickham's fabulous fiddle, and a whoop of joy from Mike Scott. Brilliant. Exciting. A joyful masterpiece of a record. Acoustic. Heartfelt. Beautiful. A spontaneous, raw beast. It's a bit slapdash, lots of strands. Perfect. Eclectic. A great cover of Van Morrison's "Sweet Thing," a W.B. Yeats poem set to music, and a wacky version of Woody Guthrie's "This Land is Your Land." A tip of the cap to Paul McCartney's "Blackbird." Life-Affirming. A real gem. A complete record. A marvel. It was one-time thing. This band, this place, this record. Unique. A beautiful accident. Pure pleasure, and unmitigated joy in the grooves!