Monday, January 06, 2020

Tested by the Fates and Furies...

I was recently at a public event, and in front of a room full of people, I declared that I was "The Last Optimistic Person on the Planet!" Ridiculous, right? Silly? What was I thinking? I mean, a pretty dumb thing to declare. And for sure incorrect. I am not the only one, or the last one.

I mean I am an optimistic sort, but it's almost like that public declaration was like asking the furies and fates to test me. I mean, even in the Dark Ages there must have been a few optimistic folks, there must have been some killer parties. But maybe best to keep my optimism to myself?

For instance, on a local level, I immediately came down with a nasty bug. It laid me low. Filled me with congestion and phlegm of epic proportions. Yuck. It's like I'm walking around with a pillowcase over my head.

And on a global level? Yikes. Nasty. For instance I turn on the radio this A.M. (NPR) and the onslaught of bad news is quite impressive. I mean, Dear Pilgrim don't try this at home, brewing a pot coffee and listening to the news for an hour may not be good for your mental health (death-defying, and buzz-killing shite!).

What's in the news?

Out of control wild-fires in Australia
Floods and unrelenting rain in Indonesia (Jakarta is sinking!)
White Supremacists getting bolder & deadlier, anti-semitism on the rise in USA 
Sexual Assault on trial in NY (H. Weinstein faces 2 accusers in court, 80 woman have claimed they were assaulted by the man)
The Middle East aflame with Hate on all sides
Our President is threatening war with Iran and tweeting like a "wanna be War Criminal"
Oil Prices spiking (will we ever get off fossil fuels, or burn up the planet instead?)

General trend? Bad. Really bad. Stupidity, Greed & Hate is on the rise. I think my optimism needs a bit of a re-think. Or at least maybe I should hold it closer to the vest.  I may need to be a bit more discrete going forward. Cautiously optimistic? Emphasis on cautiously!