Tuesday, January 07, 2020

Musical Therapy, Retro-Style

Time Traveler.

He still owns a Sony Walkman and uses it in conjunction with those little spinning silver discs encoded with 1's & 0's. He also owns and frequently uses Sony Studio Monitor Headphones. The combo is retro, and thrilling; music delivered in powerful, robust, totally engulfing fashion.

And what little spinning discs did Time Traveler listen to when laid-low with a malady, laying on an old-camp-bed, propped up with pillows, Sony Walkman sitting on his chest?

Musical Therapy, Retro-Style, in this sequence: Neil Young's "Tonight's the Night" - (1975), Bob Dylan's "Oh Mercy"- 1989, The Beatles "Revolver" - 1966, Bob Dylan's "Shot of Love" - 1981.

Those amazing, inspiring, distinctive voices: Young, Dylan, Lennon, McCartney, Harrison. The finest distilled medicine.

This all "dates" Time Traveler. He's been on the planet for awhile. He can still remember B&W TV. He can still remember a time before Smart-Phones & CGI. He knows those times are in the distant past, anything more than a week old seems like ancient history, but he doesn't care, he likes to visit remnants of those ancient times. It's a healing.

This is not "nostalgia", Time Traveler is not the sentimental-type, he doesn't yearn to return to the past. He sees all this as a just connecting the past to the present/now. The past, those voices, those years infuse, inform and deepen the present-now. They naturally and organically make life deeper, more vivid, more infused with intelligence and integrity. They illuminate the world, and situate Time Traveler's place in it.

Two sayings bubble up: 1. "You may be thru with the past, but the past isn't thru with you." 2. "The past isn't really past."

Time Traveler also watched Orson Welles' "The Other Side of the Wind" released in 2018, filmed in 1970-1976. Such a time-trip, starring the great, legendary Actor/Director John Huston. So many memories flooded back to Time Traveler. Where have all the old greats gone?

To the wind, my friend, to the wind.