Wednesday, January 08, 2020

Missile Strikes this A.M.? Not Good.

The radio tells me missile strikes in Iraq overnight. Not good. Here's hoping for a "de-escalation." The President of the USA is to speak later this morning. No thanks. I mean fuck no.

I do not want to hear from that man. I do not believe one word that falls from his lips. I don't trust him, his intentions, his motivations, etc. It has nothing to with Conservative or Liberal, Republican or Democrat.

The Loud Fat Man is a liar. He lies about big things, little things, infinitely inconsequential things. Often his lies are so tissue-thin, it's like he knows that we know, that he knows that he's lying. He dares and doubles-down on the most ridiculous untruths. He doesn't care if you know that he lies, he does it enthusiastically, boldly, supremely ignorantly. Lies. He can't help it. He lies with impunity. At this point even if he accidentally utters a truth, it sounds like a brazen lie. Fuck that guy.

Hearing him speak is not good for your mental health.

I switch off the radio and put on U2's "All That You Can't Leave Behind." Bono is singing "It's a Beautiful Day," maybe, maybe yes, maybe no. I choose to ride the Bono vibe. Damn the torpedos...