Sunday, January 05, 2020


I can't go with the idea that everything is going to hell. Even if everything is going to hell. I always tend to look on the bright side, even if gloom and darkness surrounds me.

Funny. I think I'm still basically that happy-go-lucky kid who wanted to be invisible at Catholic grade school, doing my best to avoid the "Darth-Vader-Nuns." I mean I didn't really know anything, I lived inside my head.


It took me a long time to get comfortable with revealing myself to the world. At the same time, I have gotten good at protecting myself. It's important to lead with love and compassion, but at the same time be ready for hate, indifference and the pricks and kicks, all the incoming fire from my fellow human beings.

Humans are such a gnarly lot. Things can get really ugly, really fast. That's just the nature of human nature. Weird. Sad. But, shite, it's all part of it. Those nuns weren't wrong. They were scary, impossible to connect with, but not really wrong.
