Saturday, January 04, 2020

A Problem of Scale.

Big plans. Small steps. Big picture. Little picture. Grand scheme. One small, humble step forward. Sometimes it's a problem of scale.

So much suffering in the world. Such big problems. So much hurly-burly. The hurly-burly, the storm clouds are in our heads and hearts too.

We do our best to see the world with clear-eyes. The brutal nature of human existence can be overwhelming. You have to keep in mind that you are one person. One mind. One head. One heart.

What to do? Live humbly, gracefully, with Love and Compassion. Change yourself, change the world.

Clear consciousness. Take in the suffering. Take in the doubt, the worry and fear. Transform it. It's a big job, but each of us need to take it on.

That's life. Living in the Present. As good as it gets.