Friday, January 03, 2020

One Step, One Thought, One Dream at a Time

Before I went to sleep last night, I read about a drone-strike in Iraq. My sleep was a tortured one. Lots of surreal scenes of fuck-ups and mayhem. Out of control. That seemed to be the basic theme. Clinging, hanging on for dear life. So let's say I'm an optimistic sort, I realize my optimism has a small footprint. There are enormous shadows hanging over all of us. Climate apocalypse. War and rumors of war. And the "leadership" of our country seems to be uniquely unstable, ignorant & incapable. Moral rot runs through the body politic.

Optimistic? Well, yes, but just for the next step. One step, one thought, one dream at a time. How did my torturous night of dreams end? I made it. I stumbled through. Darkness gave way to light. I did grab the steering wheel briefly, and made it out of danger. New day. Best to keep your eyes peeled. Danger is around every corner, but there's always suprises too. Some of them may actually be pleasant.