Tuesday, May 07, 2019

We are Murdering Life on the Planet!

What is the story of our time?

THIS is the story of our time: PARIS (Reuters) - "One million animal and plant species are at imminent risk of extinction due to humankind’s relentless pursuit of economic growth, scientists said on Monday in a landmark report on the devastating impact of modern civilization on the natural world."

Human Beings are destroying the ecosystem of the planet. There is an interconnected web of life that we are shredding, it is our life support, so it is a murder and also a suicide. We have found the enemy and it is us. We are clever murderous species that is murdering life on the planet.  "Climate change," doesn't quite tell the story. It is a failure of language.

We are all responsible. The blood is on our hands, our species is a menace to life on the planet.

“The key message: business as usual has to end.”