Wednesday, May 08, 2019

The Full Digital Discography!

We still love, and buy those little silver compact discs around here. We think it's kind of the "golden age" of the CD. We often browse our local music store and snag pristine copies of used CDs for $5.00 or less. You wonder, if those record companies would not have been so greedy in the 90's and 2000's, maybe they wouldn't have lost the war to the music hackers?  Who knows? We still love, buy and spin vinyl too. There is something about owning the tangible thing.

Still, there is also something pretty seductive about being able to play music from your smart phone. Downloading, streaming, there is a generation of music lovers who have never thought for one moment about owning one of those classic home stereo systems.  Yes, we do understand.

This is a long-winded way to saying hey, guess what? You can now buy the Full Digital Discography of my band's (whitewolfsonicprincess',) song catalog,  on Bandcamp! One complete bundle! Yes, all three studio albums directly delivered to your smart phone with a click or two. Plus you will save some $ too.  The marvels of our consumer paradise. Support independent music makers!