Monday, May 06, 2019

The Perfect Wave!

"Nothing really matters..." F. Mercury

Freddie sang that line in Bohemian Rhapsody

Is that line a surrender? Is surrender bad? Yesterday, for some reason that line was resonating in my head. "Nothing really matters..." but I added... "except this moment..." 

Yes. Living in the moment, the present moment, everything else falling away. Not really a surrender, or if it is a surrender, it is an affirmative act.

So yes, yesterday was just a perfect day. How many perfect days do we get? One assumes it's a finite number. Long, rambling day. Sunny. Blue sky. Warmer temps. Chill. Laid-back. A bike ride. My friend planting flowers in the garden. A fabulous meal. Music on the box.

Nothing really matters. Right? We surfed the vibe of the day. The perfect wave.