Monday, August 06, 2018

"They All Want to Be the Next Hitler." - Noel King

Noel King is a journalist who embedded for a year with White Nationalists of America. He wrote a book about it, "Everything You Love Will Burn." I haven't read the book, but I did hear an interview with Noel King this morning on NPR.  Chilling. Money quote: "They All Want to Be the Next Hitler."

How is that for a nice Monday morning thought-train? A bunch of White Nationalist Wanna-Be Hitlers running around the land trying to stir up the next racial conflagration. Plus, of course, our current President is giving us 24/7 Hate on TV, Twitter and in Newspapers across the land.

Yes, if you were to distill our current President, to his essence, you would say he is the Leader of a Movement of Hate. And just how much Hate can we absorb? How do we rise above the Hate? I guess, I am left with the idea that the Haters in the land are out-numbered. They are a fringe movement, they make lots of noise, can cause lots of trouble, but really they are a marginal side-show. Sort of like one big, rabid, frothing Jerry Springer Show.

We need to out-organize, out-hustle, out-vote the Haters. This morning, I put on my favorite shirt which my friend bought for me many birthdays ago, a time when the money was flowing a bit more freely; a beautiful, very colorful, well-made dress-shirt, made in India. A beautiful, well-made thing. Sewed into it at the seam, near bottom of the shirt, is a motto: Knowledge, Wisdom, Truth.  

Yes. Words to live by.

How do I live with myself in this frothing dystopia? I fight the internal despair, and the prevalent cynicism that is all around me. I refuse to give in. I always lean to the light, try to always see the positive, even in the depths of darkness. I can't vote mutiple times, I live in a totally concentrated "Blue" city, in a decidedly Blue state, but I'm always talking up a new Progressive Era, even if it's just a glimmer of a glimmer. Hope dies last.

Think. Write. Speak. The Truth. Seek Knowledge, Seek Wisdom. Believe in believing in a better day. Love over Hate. Every time.