Sunday, August 05, 2018

"Praying the Pieces Wouldn't Fall on Me..." - B. Dylan

Some incredibly dumb people, (also incredibly racist, misogynist, homophopic and zenophobic), think they are incredibly smart.

Funny. Hilarious. Ridiculous.

They also think they have pulled off some incredibly successful conspiracy. Incredibly, they think they have fooled the rest of us.

Funny. Hilarious. Ridiculous.

The whole crazy-ass scheme is falling apart. And the Dumb-Ass at the heart of the whole conspiracy is panicking, thrashing about, calling the Free Press "the Enemies of the People."

Funny. Hilarious. Ridculous.

Also, a bit crazy and dangerous. It is all unraveling. Big-time. Look out. As per Bob Dylan:  “the man standing next to me, his head was exploding, while I was praying the pieces wouldn’t fall on me.”

UPDATE: Ha. Ha. Ha. Our Little Baby Man Prez now thinks his son may have "accidentally" committed a crime by meeting with the Russians at Trump Tower. I guess that means his spawn will "accidentally" be going to Prison in the near future?