Saturday, August 04, 2018

Money. Dirty Money. Filthy Money. Blood Money.

Money.  Dirty Money. Filthy Money. Blood Money.

I think we are entering the phase of this Grand Russian Dupe in the White House Scandal where we get to the receipts. Ka-Ching! Russian Money. The Sound of Money. The Color of Money. Laundered Money.

What are you willing to Sell for $$$? Your Loyalty? Your Ethics? Your Intelligence? Your Mother? Your Soul? Your Country? Your Political Party? A U.S. Election?

Living in a Capitalist Paradise. What are the Limits? What is Not For Sale? What is Sacrosanct? What is Holy? Does everything have a price? Are we all sell-outs? Are we all Whores? Is America just a super-grand Whorehouse?

Whatever happened to Peace, Love, Understanding? Or Liberty, Fraternity, Equality?