Tuesday, August 07, 2018

"Someone Will Get Killed." - Hamilton Nolan

Enemies of the People...

Yes. Hamilton Nolan is correct: "Someone Will Get Killed." Will it be Little Baby Man's fault? Yes. It will. He will have blood on his hands. No doubt. His Kremlin Buddy, Putin, the Tin-Pot Autocrat, kills journalists all the time. He thinks it's part of the job. Little Baby Man is following the classic Autocratic Playbook. This will all end badly. This will be Little Baby Man's "greatest" legacy. Blood. Martyring Journalists.  This demonizing a Free Press must STOP! Little Baby Man is at war with the press, with truth and with reality.

"Trump’s Goebbels-esque determination to hammer the public with the idea that Fake News Is The Enemy has served as proof of concept to hundreds of lower-level elected officials across the country, whose beady eyes have now lit up with the realization that they too can brush off every negative story in the local paper about how they hired their cousin to head the local Mosquito Control Board by mouthing the phrase “fake news” and charging the local city council reporter with being a tool of anti-America global elite interests."


"The journalist who gets killed will end his or her life as a monument to the majestic but mistaken idea that the press can stand separate and apart from politics in a democracy. It is an idea that is too beautiful to exist in modern America. As other dictators, strongmen, and craven political opportunists have demonstrated many times before, an impartial press is no match for the unrestrained human ambition for power. For a long time reporters have labored under the noble delusion that they are the Red Cross on the battlefield of truth. When they start getting murdered, they’ll realize they were soldiers all along."