Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Still Waters Run Deep!

Still waters run deep: "a proverb of Latin origin." Had a long sleep, but it was all tossing and turning. You may think everything is under control, that you are doing fine, handling everything you need to handle, but then, you are possessed by crazy, disturbing dreams, inundated with odd, weird, uncanny, David Lynch-ian sequences.


So then, in the light of day, you wonder... What's was that all about? What's going on? What am I missing? Why was my sleep state so disturbing? There is no grand narrative thread, just disjointed scenes, odd images.

I do remember being in a car, a little black Pontiac Fiero, (I owned one of those in the eighties), a terrible car, a mid-engine design, very unstable on the road. And yes, I took a corner too fast and ended up spinning out, up and over an embankment, and flipped-out over a stone wall.

I landed in a field. Upright. Okay. Shaken and stirred. Out of control. That's the message. Out of control. Still waters run deep.