Thursday, August 16, 2018

Stuckness vs. Flow.

Stuckness: "The state or fact of being unable to move or progress; the feeling of being stuck." 

Yeah. Being stuck is unhealthy. We get stuck in our thinking. Things get stuck in our craw. There is lack of movement. No flow. Obstruction. Obstacles. Blockage. Things get stuck in our heads, our bodies. A kind of illness.

We need to release, relax, let things flow. As per George Harrison: "Life flows within you, and without you." There is deep wisdom there.

Life is grasping, and letting go. Work around. Re-think. Start again. Reboot. Recharge. Flow. Go with the flow. Always be flowing. If you are stuck, in a state of stuckness, it's time for a re-think, a break in the routine, stand on your head, shake it up, baby.  Twist. And shout. Flow.