Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Does Anyone Really Believe that B.S.?

White Supremacy... it's a joke, right? A bad joke. Funny & Not Funny. It has caused a lot of pain, heartache, and horror for generations of humans.  Genocide. Slavery. The Horror. Man's Inhumanity to Man.

A bunch of white folks get together and decide that they are better, more worthy, than all the other varieties of human beings. It's sounds absurd, ridiculous. How is it possible anyone would believe that bullshit?

As a long-time white person myself, one who has been around lots of white folks for most of my life, I can assure you we white folk aren't superior to anyone or anything! Some of us are just barely functional, barely competent. We are just Human Beings pretty much like all the other Human Beings running around wreaking havoc on the planet. Flawed. Conflicted. Complicated. Complex. Bifurcated. Messed up.

Human Beings are so easily fooled, so easily confused. We fuck up all the time! We end up believing all kinds of crap that has no basis in reality. It's pretty evident that the amount of melatonin in our skin doesn't matter a whit, except maybe in terms of how much sunblock we need when the sun's rays are beating down on us.

Some of this white supremacy Shite is, of course, just pure, bad faith. Meanness. Evil. Rat Bastard Evil Shit. Stupid Rat Bastard Evil Shit. Monumentally, Epically, Willfully, Stupid Rat Bastard Evil Shit. Add it to the enormous shit-pile of really Idiot Ideas that have clouded Human Being's minds since the Dawn of Man!