Tuesday, July 03, 2018

"What a Great Day to Be Alive!" - Sunnyjimmy

Yes. I actually said those words (to myself) yesterday: "What a great day to be alive." Considering our human ancestors have been around for around 6 million years, and the modern form of human beings have been on the planet for 200,000 years, you'd think I'd say those words every day of my lowly, humble, meager existence, but it's not true. I take a lot for granted. To be sure.

I found myself downtown in the big city yesterday. After two hellish days, super, blazing-hot, heat index in the 100's, the temps were much milder, nice breeze, blue sky, the day kind of friendly and welcoming. So yeah, went from basic survival mode in the days of hell, to sort of a happy, contented zone, meeting the day with a smile, happy to be conscious, all my major organs working, all my fingers and toes intact.

The day was pretty much perfect. That Radiohead song in my head: "Everything in it's right place." I made all my appointments, fulfilled all my duties of the day, easily, on-time, the day meeting me on my terms. Everything, everyone, looked beautiful. Even the not beautiful things, the not beautiful people.

People. They were everywhere. The city was so alive. Energy just rising off the streets. Hard to know how and why that feeling of euphoria wrapped me in a little bubble, but it happened. It was a good day. Yes, it was, a very good day, a day in the life, and I was glad to be alive.