Monday, July 02, 2018

We are in for a Bumpy Ride!

Remember that Lawyer and Business Partner of Little Baby Man Prez? No charges have been filed yet, but the FBI seized a ton of evidence. The Prosecutors are reviewing now.

Remember Cohen famously said he'd "take a bullet" for Little Baby Man. Of course, that was a time when no bullets, (metaphorical or otherwise),  of any consequence, were flying through the air. Now, well, looks like our tough guy lawyer has envisioned a future rotting in a prison cell, and has reached down into the depths of his soul and found a new loyalty: “To be crystal clear, my wife, my daughter and my son, and this country have my first loyalty.” - M. Cohen

Little Baby Man didn't make it in that sentence. Did M. Cohen just try on his John Dean mask for size? We are hurtling towards a constitutional crisis of epic proportions. Expect lots more bombshells, ridiculous and disturbing, and nation-shaking details. Please strap in: firmly attach your seat-belt, put on your crash-helmet. We are in for a bumpy ride.