Wednesday, July 04, 2018

Everything is Different. Everything is the Same.

Sometimes I find myself staying at other people's houses, watching other people's dogs. Where I live, the houses closer to the Lake are bigger, more palatial. You can actually see block by block how proximity to the Lake means wealth. Sometimes I find myself in beautiful, enormous, mansion-like homes. Homes I could never imagine owning. Usually, when I find myself in such a Citizen Kane like place, I am alone. I mean, it's always just me and the dog. I get paid to hang out with a furry creature buddy.

Everything is different. Different bed. Different sound system. Different coffee maker. Still, there are the constants. I always brew up a great pot of coffee to start the day. Today I'm drinking a pot brewed up from organic beans from Tanzania. I am listening to a bunch of cd's I brought with me, Beatles, Fleetwood Mac, Neil Young, Led Zeppelin. Sometimes it pays to like what everyone else likes, right?

I also have been listening to Television's "Marquee Moon." I just recently finished another 33 1/3 book, this one about Television's first record. It's written by Bryan Waterman. What a great little book. It's a well-researched, entertaining read. It reminded me that although I may have inherited a bunch of great artists: Beatles, Dylan, Stones, Who.  I actually discovered a bunch of cool bands too: Patti Smith Group, Talking Heads, Ramones & Television.They all happen to be New York bands. Birthed at CBGBs.

Television were the reigning Kings of CBGBs. They were there first. They were the ones who established that club to be the r&r dive you had to check out. It's kind of weird and maybe a bit sad that the other three bands had much more success than Television ever did. But also in some way Television and "Marquee Moon," seem even more extraordinary, more pure and unsullied than any of those other acts. I know they made a couple other records, but I only own the first one, and it's sits alone, in amber, preserved like a strange and beautiful beast.

Music. It's amazing how so much of my life is consumed with music. I am not alone in this either. It's sort of like a religion with some of my friends too. Music is something we have faith in, something we sink into every day. It can be meditative, transcending, or challenging.

Yesterday, we had an afternoon rehearsal with our band. Kind of a rare treat. Usually we get together in the evening, but it worked out that we could get together mid-day, which seemed like a bonus. There is something so consuming, satisfying and exhilarating about getting in a room and playing music. Running through songs, totally sinking into the vibe. We must have run through about 20 whitewolfsonicprincess' originals yesterday. There is a special communication going on. Beyond words. It's not a word thing, it's a sound thing, a vibe. One of those really cool things to do. Playing music with extraordinary people. Exhausting too. Renewing too.

Anyway. Another day in the mansion. Coffee in my mug. Music on the box. A million thoughts and feelings flying.