Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Waves of Nausea!

Red Alert! Red Alert!! Red Alert!!!

"The US has a two-party political system, and one of those parties openly cooperates with foreign hostile powers that help the party win elections by committing criminal acts against US citizens. That's not a sustainable situation for a democracy." - Susan Simpson

Wow... I thought it was "Democracy dies in Darkness," it now looks like "Democracy dies at a press conference in Helsinki." Is there any doubt now? We are all Winston Smith now!!!

Yes, my uncanny feeling of uneasiness was spot-on (see previous post). It is kind of like watching a super-slo-motion car crash. You watch it. You watch yourself watching it. You wonder if anyone else sees what you see. Then you realize, yes, OMG, this is really, fucking happening!

There is no doubt about it now. Our Little Baby Man President is compromised, is being black-mailed by Vladimir Putin. There was a despicable display yesterday in Finland. An absolute abdication of responsibility. It is obvious that Little Baby Man fears Putin and whatever kompromat Putin has on him. Our President is working to please Putin, and to trying to save his own ass.

This was a total "Fuck You," to America.

Rick Wilson in the Daily Beast:  "Even Putin couldn’t have expected the meeting to turn out like this, with the American president capitulating passionately, obviously—and yes, it’s time to use the word—treasonously."

After meeting for over two hours in private, Little Baby Man emerges and totally submits himself to the murderous, former KGB, strongman Autocrat. Surrender! Wonder what's gonna happen next? Don't think we've seen anything quite like this before. I have a very uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach. Feeling waves of nausea... what happened America?!

My head was spinning all day yesterday. I turned to music. What was my soundtrack? "Fight the Power" - Public Enemy, "Animals" by Pink Floyd, "Is This the Life We Really Want," - Roger Waters, "The Harder They Come" - Jimmy Cliff, The Melodians, The Slickers, Desmond Dekker, Toots and the Maytals.

We are living in the dystopia... Babylon, Man!

Jack Shafer in Politico: "Trump's obeisance to Putin at Helsinki was easy to predict given his earlier refusals to call the Russians out and punish them. But were we ready to see him come this close to violating his oath of office to protect and defend the Constitution? Watching him grovel and defer to Putin revealed Trump as a coward and weakling, an excuse-maker and an apologizer, and as someone unfit to hold the office of president."