Wednesday, July 18, 2018

The Dim Bulb Is Short-Circuiting!

The lights go out on Little Baby Man...

The aftermath of his lame-ass press conference with Putin? A lame-ass walk-back. How did the walk-back go? It was lame-ass squared. This is quite the photo, and metaphor. This Little Baby Man Dim-Bulb is living under an extremely dim-bulb.

We don't know what our Russian Dupe in the White House President promised to Putin. Kind of scary. It would be helpful to hear from the translator in the room, but I doubt that will happen.

The Toxic Clown's supporters are spinning madly post treason-conference. I call B.S. It is actually all quite simple. Don't let anyone fool you...

Note: I should post this on this blog every single day until this Little Baby Man resigns in disgrace or is removed from office, but I won't because that's a bit obsessive, and would really be  boring... but make no mistake, there is NO DOUBT, this President is compromised, he is being Blackmailed by Vladimir Putin.

I "know" this by Little Baby Man's words, his demeanor, his actions, his history.  What will be his ultimate downfall? Will it be his long history of laundering $ for the Russian Mob? Will it be his willfully conspiring with a hostile foreign power to hack and steal our election? Will it be the hush money deals to Porn stars? Will it be his wild and crazy nights in Moscow? Preserved on tape and held closely by Putin's KGB? Will it be all those bad and dirty business deals around the globe? Will it be some sick, dark, secret that only he and Putin know? I'm actually thinking all of the above! 

Little Baby Man always want to be the one Alpha-Male Bully in the room. Next to Putin you could see Little Baby Man's abject fear, it was palpable, but, also, there was the desperation to please. He played an obsequious toady to a Murderous, Autocratic Strongman. It was a truly despicable display. How does one Autocratic Bully tame another bully? One sharp poke in the nose, or some well-researched kompromat!

Black-Mail:  "refers to a situation that arises when a person threatens another person with some form of punishment if they do not offer some form of concessions. Blackmail is usually the result of one person somehow obtaining embarassing information about another and threatening to disclose it unless some form of payment (money or favors) is offered. The term originates from the words "black" and "mail", which referred to the dark or threatening nature of the letters (mail) that were received detailing the threat. Although blackmail usually entails paying a price to obtain another person's silence about an embarassing situation, it need not involve an actual event before it can be conducted. The threat of embarassing someone for a contrived event can be enough to conduct blackmail effectively, provided the threat is believable." 

Kompromat: "n Russian politics, kompromat, short for "compromising material" (компрометирующий материал), is damaging information about a politician or other public figure used to create negative publicity, for blackmail, or for ensuring loyalty. Kompromat may be acquired from various security services, or outright forged, and then publicized by use of a public relations official.[1][2] Widespread use of kompromat has been one of the characteristic features of the politics of Russia[3] and other post-Soviet states.[4][5]"

Leverage:  "power to influence people and get the results you want."

Mancuhrian Candidate: "a candidate running for office who publicly supports one group to win election, but uses his executive or legislative powers to assist an opposing group; it should not be confused with a sleeper agent who has been brainwashed into working for a political party."

Little Baby Man is caught in a vise between his Blackmailer Putin and his Legal Nemesis Robert Mueller III. Expect more lame-ass moments - expect greater frequency, wilder gyrations.  This Dim-Bulb is short-circuiting. Sparks will fly, lots of sputtering and guttering and flaming-out to be expected.